

allowMultiple?: boolean

Allow multiple of the same type of tile event to be placed on top of each other.

animated?: boolean
blocksTile?: boolean

Whether the tile event prevents things such as carving, digging, movement, etc.

canBurn?: boolean

Can the tile event burn when fire is on the same tile as it?

causesStatus?: (StatusType | [status: StatusType, level: number])[]
damage?: number
decayMax?: number

number of game ticks until decay

decayTemperatureRange?: IDecayTemperatureRange
durability?: number
excludedTerrains?: TerrainType[]

Prevents the event from being created on these types

freezesInto?: TerrainType

When more than three puddles of water exist on a tile, they create the this terrain type when it is lower than "Cold" on the tile.

graphicVariation?: boolean
imageCount?: number

The number of alternate textures that this image has. Not supported for most things.

imagePath?: string

A replacement image to use. Used in modding.

internal?: boolean

Set to true when we don't want to load a graphic or show tooltips for the event.

isFlammable?: boolean
isMinor?: boolean

Whether this is a "minor" tile event. Minor tile events are rendered as faded, small text in tooltips rather than large headings.

isTall?: boolean
isWaste?: boolean
items?: ILootItem[]
lightColor?: IRGB
lightSource?: boolean
meltsInto?: TerrainType

When more than three puddles of water exist on a tile, they create the this terrain type.

modIndex?: number

Do not provide or modify this value, only reference it. This is set by the modding system during the process of registration.

particles?: IRGB
pickUp?: ItemType
preservationChance?: number

Chance that things will decay inside it

providesFire?: boolean
renderBelowDoodads?: boolean
renderBelowItems?: boolean
skillUse?: SkillType
spawnOnWorldGen?: OptionalDescriptions<BiomeType, OptionalDescriptions<WorldZ, OptionalDescriptions<TerrainType, number>>>
spreadMax?: number
storeDecay?: boolean

Set to true if we want to store decay, but not have it active (in the case of torches)

water?: boolean

Is the event made of water? These can put out fires if they are on the same tile as them.

weightCapacity?: number

container maximum weight


  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Gets the temperature produced by this tile event. Positive values are "heat", negative values are "cold". Refer to the values of the Temperature enum to see the possible range. If this method is not implemented, or it returns undefined, Temperature.Neutral is used.


    Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns void

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